Privacy Policy

Company name:
Street and house number: Kinderdijkstraat 71
Postcode and city: 3076 JH Rotterdam
Country: Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 83335692

Privacy and security

Personal information is stored in our system. This is important when you want to order something from us. Why are your personal data requested and what is done with it?

All information you leave with us is stored securely using modern techniques. Parties that do not benefit from the data cannot access it. In the event that we provide your data to someone else, we expect that this party will handle this information with the same care as we do and that it will only be used for the purpose for which they received your data. Below you can read when and why we provide your data to third parties.

If your data is misused, please let us know via our customer service.


We want to serve you better in the future, which is why we use cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer. The cookie data remains on your own computer and is not used for other purposes. They depend on your own browser settings. You can read everything about the use of cookies on our cookie page.

What information do we have about you?

The personal data of our visitors that we can collect and process from our website are:

  • name, e-mail and (billing and delivery) address of persons;
  • company name, Chamber of Commerce registration number and VAT number (if applicable);
  • (mobile) telephone number;
  • which product is being ordered;
  • payment information;
  • correspondence with Mersense, as applicable;
  • behavioral data (internet usage, online activities and the duration of your session); and
  • IP addresses and timestamps.

What else do we do with your data?

We use your data for various purposes. Below you will find an overview. For this we only use the data shown above.

  • to properly execute and process placed orders;
  • to answer questions asked via the website, for example;
  • to assess and hire our business partners;
  • to analyze and/or improve the quality and quantity of information about our products, (customer) services and websites;
  • to better coordinate our correspondence (among other things) about deliveries and refunds;
  • to send information, offers and promotions based on your interests and clicking and surfing behavior; 
  • to give you the opportunity to connect to our social media accounts;
  • to provide information about new products and services;
  • to give the customer a personal account on our website;
  • for research into the satisfaction level of customers, business partners or others; and
  • for internal analysis for (customer) research purposes.

Deliver your order to you

When an order is placed with us, we need your name, email address, address, payment details and telephone number. Using this information, the order can be delivered to you. You will also be kept informed about your order. Sometimes it may be important to also provide your data to third parties. For example, to the carrier, wholesaler or our distribution center. Our partners must handle your data with care.


When your account is created when placing your order, the following information about you is stored: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery and payment details. Your details are kept so that you can view these previous orders and you do not have to re-enter these details.

Customer service

You can contact us by telephone and by email. We use your data to provide you with quick service. Sometimes we use another party to answer your questions. This party can also view your data and use it to answer your question.


Warranty & repair

If you have a question about your product, or if your product is defective or not satisfactory, we may engage third parties for repairs, for example a service point or the supplier of the product. We expect these parties to also handle your personal data with care.


Write a review and share your experience to give others a better idea of ​​a product. This allows you to help other customers. We keep track of who writes which review.


We may send newsletters containing information, discounts and featured products. You can register for this and stay informed. We do not send personal newsletters that are compiled based on your data, such as orders. Do you no longer want to receive our newsletter? Then log out and send an email to customer service.



We give our customers the opportunity to ask questions through a contact form. You will be asked to enter various information to handle your question. The information we obtain is kept for the purpose of handling your question and possible contact in the future. This way we can see when you contact us again later.


If someone participates in a promotion or competition, we ask for your name, address and email address. This allows us to carry out the promotion and announce the prize winner.

Improvement of the store and service

We are constantly working on improving our websites, products and services. That is why we can use your data to ask you if you would like to participate in a non-binding customer or market survey. We may use third parties for such research. We do this by registering our customers' visits to our site, including all activities that take place there (for example, clicking on links and viewing product pages and their order).


Fraud will not be tolerated. We therefore use your personal data to investigate, prevent and combat fraud. If necessary, your data can also be transferred to the government.


If there are items that are paid for afterwards, we can assess your creditworthiness. We may use external agencies for this purpose. This is also mentioned in our general terms and conditions. For the credit assessment, we may provide your information to third parties, who may only use this information for that purpose. Furthermore, you may be called to remind you of an overdue invoice. In some cases, others make that phone call on our behalf. We may also pass your information to a collection agency and/or bailiff who collects unpaid invoices on our behalf.

Business customers

We also store the information of our business customers and partners of the contact person. If it concerns personal data, we treat this information just like that of our other customers.

Social media

When you are logged in to social media and indicate that you like an article, that article will appear on your social media account. We do not have access to your social media account, but you can share articles that you find fun, useful or useful with your friends. If you ask us a question via social media and we see that question, we will save that message and your account name so that we can respond to your message.

What doesn't happen to your contact details?

We never use your information to show different prices to you than to other customers. All our customers see the same prices for our items and products. We do not sell your data to others.

Are your details incorrect or do you have other questions?

If something is incorrect in your data or if you want to have your data deleted, this is possible. Please contact our customer service. However, once the order has been placed, it is not possible to change the name on the invoice afterwards. If you have a complaint about the way we handle your privacy, you can contact us. You can also file a complaint by contacting the Dutch Data Protection Authority.